Sinister Way - The Satanic Anti-Globalisation movements
In the era of the total anihilation of moral, the decline of the west, and the return to the traditionalism, the nationalism and self affirming groups of ethnics, religion, ideologies, nationalities are raising since the second half of XX century.
Also the raise of many christian churches with different ideologies and the Vatican with the worldwide politics of domination, raising funds to global ecumenism of peace between the nations, acceptance of new world order politics, financing and promoting new ideals and accepting new costumes. Also the zionist government creating a form to spread the judaism through world wide, imposing the acceptance of the chosen peole and one only god and the war against Islam.
Also the politics of Islam in diaspora, with the migration to Europe and America, becoming the most raising religio world wide, because of the simplicity of the form of convertion.
The countries are returning to the tradition of the Paganism, returning to the creed of the old gods and idols from the past, that the catolic syncretism used to convertion.
In Ukraine, most of the paramilitary armies are raising in Slavonic and Nordic Paganism. In Brazil is raising the tradition on Umbanda. And one form to spread the hate of the desertic tradition is to return of the gods that the judaism treated as the false gods, the Gods of Sumeria, Gods that the jews and christians treated as Demons.
In this new scenario, the satanic organizations, some of the satanic militias, and pagan militias return to the old traditions of medieval satanism to spawn a ideology of politician, being radical or not, but against the new world order of capitalism and communism, becoming third positionists, self sustainable, worshiping old gods that make rational to them and respecting the nature, that modern corporations and men destroyed.
The case of Order of Nine Angles, the politician of the extreme ideologies like support of terrorism and sacrifice are similaries to the fundamentalist of any religion, remember that the jews had the Zealots in the 1st century, affirming their ideologies, in the 30s they raised the Haganah group. In Islam the group Assassins to affirm their ideologies. So some Satanists belive in extreme politics, belive in a dicatorship raised by satanists, and neo-Pagans, to promote a freedom of tradition, based in amoral principles, old costumes and spiritual beliefs.
Order of Nine Angles were supporters of sacrifice, but the ritualistic sacrifice can be similar to the sacrifice of a political operation. The Islamist Bomb Men are devoted to sacrifice. The leader of the order or group are sacrificing their members to the common well, bigger ideologically and with determined finality to promote their politics of ideological acceptance.
The one who sacrifice his body, do it because they belive that this finality will bring them peace, proximity to his God, similar to the Vikings ideologically in Battle, they belive Valhalla is only for the honored.
The human sacrifice has a political finality, Order of Nine Angles raised a political anti-Globalisation between the new groups, not only satanists but between other ideological groups, like Order of the Jarls of Baelder, a neo-Pagan group, Hutaree, a Christian Militia anti-Globalisation and anti-Government, or like the III% Patriots, anti-Globalisation and anti-Government, and the other new-Volkisch movements, like the Black Order Pan Eurpra, or the Tempel ov Blood, that raised to restore some of the tradition and old beliefs, beliving that Satanism, Dark Paganism and Traditional Paganism can restore the tradition of the Europe, and return to the other countries and other continents, like Asia, America, to return the beliefs to the old tradition religious.
So, Satanic Orders are claiming to be reconized as a new aeon of religious movements, that belive in a new religious worship of old gods.
The tradition follows the pre-Christian civilization, like the explanation of the Might is Right, the anti-Moral book of Ragnar Redbeard that destroy the morality of judeo-christian civilization, destroyed the greek ethcs and raised the supreme natural law, being a fist in the face of the western civilization.
The religious beliefs of Crowley and Spare as the bringing of Chaos to return to a new order, with no financial global system or no international leadership impoping religious traditions, like Vatican or Israel.
The self morality of Nietzchean superman utopic, and the anarchical system of the strong, celebrate a non God adoration society, that the only capable to survive is the one who can understand the system and who can be stronger, intelectualy and physicaly, to understand the natural concepts, to understand their places, and to go against the economic liberalism, that makes people slaves of the system, also free from the christianity moral and judaistic commandments, both with moral and religious order and destroying the homogeneous newworld order, that created a world-nation of costume and bureogracy and plutocracy, with the demands of the few ones that raise the legislation to the environment and people below.
The hierarchical system is that the ones who command the system, the military system to restrain the people below, the corporations and the people around, slaves of debts, the ones who fear to break the rules, break the morality and breaks the laws of God.products for the profit of the plutocracy.
In Britain, the Order of Nine Angles (ONA) was founded by David Myatt, onetime bodyguard of the veteran British Nazi Colin Jordan and street activist in his British Movement during the early 1970s. The ONA celebrated the dark, destructive side of life through anti-Christian, elitist and Social Darwinist doctrines. The link with neo-Nazism was implicit in Myatt’s extensive writings on the “religion and spirituality of National-Socialism.” In France, Christian Bouchet combines an interest in Aleister Crowley’s magic with the anti-Semitic and fascist ideas of Francis Parker Yockey. In New Zealand, there are the Ordo Sinistra Vivendi and the Black Order, which claims a worldwide membership and publishes magazines such as The Heretic, The Flaming Sword and The Nexus (now Western Destiny).
Nietzsche is regarded as a prophet for his celebration of the Anti-Christ and denunciation of Christianity as a “religion of slaves.” The supposedly weak, humble and guilt-ridden nature of Christian morality is constantly held up to ridicule. Its secular heritage is held responsible for the prodigious growth of an inferior humanity composed of racial inferiors and fearful weaklings who claim the protection of democracy and liberalism against the fierce and powerful. Most of mankind is regarded as a wasteful burden upon the planet. The Jews and christians are regularly pilloried for promoting a pacifist,materialist, cosmopolitan society (the so-called
New World Order) in which a homogeneous and blinkered one-world citizenry obediently consume standardized products for the profit of the plutocracy.
Myatt rejects the quasi-religious organization and ceremonial antics of the Church of Satan, the Temple of Set and other satanic groups.He believes that traditional satanism goes far beyond the gratification of the pleasure-principle and involves the arduous achievement of self-mastery, self-overcoming in a Nietzschean sense, and ultimately cosmic wisdom. His conception of satanism is practical, with an emphasis on individual growth into realms of darkness and danger through practical acts of prowess, endurance and the risk of life. Nature is regarded as a theater of chaotic amoral forces—both light and dark—which drive evolutionary progress through conflict, struggle, death and survival. The true satanist must therefore transcend his own limitations in the causal, physical world to make direct contact and identify with this suprapersonal sphere of acausal, sinister forces in the cosmos. Access to the acausal realm is provided through “nexions,” gates or angles on the Tree
of Wyrd, which provide the name of the order. These nexions are created by evil acts and blasphemous rituals.
Taken from Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's "Black Sun" Book.

It's very hard to change a culture because of the lack in coherency of its units/cells. This is a defense mechanism, since it must live long to try to seed humanity. A miniature example would be the constructed language of Esperanto. After about 150 years since it was born, Esperanto collected a very large following globally. That following is the cultural body, which is composed of an incoherent collection of people who learn to speak the language. Over the years many people have criticized faults in Esperanto, and so reform movements started. Those reform movements tried to change words around, add new words, remove old words, etc. None ever worked. Why? Because the cultural body itself is disorganized and made up of random unconnected people. Even if you get some to adopt your changes, you have not changed Esperanto. A living culture is beyond the control of any single person. It is it's own entity.
Unsurprisingly, factors and have received most attention from critics and from those few academics who have studied or are studying the ONA, leading one academic, for instance, to write that the Order of Nine Angles "represent a dangerous and extreme form of Satanism", another to write that "ONA-inspired activities [have] managed to enter the scene of grand politics and the global War On Terror", and leading many critics to describe the ONA as a 'nazi/fascist Satanist' group.
The ONA has with a few exceptions received little attention by scholars in the past, but in recent years ONA-inspired activities, led by protagonist David Myatt, have managed to enter the scene of grand politics and the global War On Terror, with several foiled terror plots in Europe that can be linked to Myatt's writings and as this paper will document, also directly to the ONA via Myatt. In addition the general increase of activities and recent formation of several prolific 'off-spring' groups make a scholarly examination of this group both necessary and important. The ONA is unique in its overt combination of esotericism and extreme politics (initially National Socialism, but now also Radical Islamism), and several order manuscripts describe the order's preferred method of influencing world politics, namely the adaption of political insight roles.
Although this is the first time an in-depth examination is conducted of the Sinister Tradition, ONA and David Myatt, the phenomenon of groups fusing right-wing politics with esotericism is not new.
Likewise it is possible to place the essentially anti-democratic and anti-western ideas of Myatt in a broader frame of civilizational critique and conflict. In recent years a tendency has emerged to view globalization either in terms of a 'clash of civilizations' between 'the Islamic world' and 'the West' (Samuel P. Huntington), or (less fashionably) as the 'end of history' with the global victory of liberal democracy (Francis Fukuyama).
However, it can be held that the West instead of facing a clash of civilizations is actually approaching a potential 'intracivilizational' struggle between various cultural and religious groups and an impending disintegration of the multi-cultural nation-state. Several observers claim that the West is currently experiencing a 'return of history', viz. a return to politics, culture, religion and ideology (Zakaria, 2001), and that what we are experiencing is not a clash between the West and the rest, but between 'the West and the Post-West within the West itself (Kurth, 2000, p. 5).
It is within such a scenario of intracivilzational struggle, that Myatt and the ONA attempt to act as destabilizing factors in order to bring the current system to a breakdown, and it is clear that Myatt in the last three to four decades has tried almost every existing option, as well as invented new ones, in order to bring about a new 'Galactic Imperium'.
The idea of an Imperium as well as the conscious struggle against modern western societies is not new. As shown in the book Occidentalism: The West in the Eye of Its Enemies, written after September 11, it is possible to trace the anti-western ideas back at least two centuries. More remarkably it is demonstrated how these sentiments are ultimately rooted in the west itself: "No Occidentalist, even the most fervent holy warrior, can ever be entirely free of the Occident" (Burma & Margalit, 2004, p. 144).
Historically the first and most obvious example of anti-modern thought that has directly influenced Myatt and the ONA, are the historians and philosophers Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee, whom we have already mentioned. Spengler is mostly famous for his tome Der Untergang des Abendlandes: Umrisse einer Morphologie der Weltgeschichte, where he presents his meta-historical theory of the cyclical properties of civilizations, that rise, fall and perish in a continuum throughout history, like the seasons of the year (Spengler, 2000, p. 7off).
Less known, but not less important when it comes to polemically criticizing the modern world, is Spengler's book Der Mensch und die Technik, where Man and his relation to technique and culture is presented. When Myatt reveals his own dreams of a new man conquering space, admitting to be heavily indebted to Spengler's, one cannot help but to compare his ideas with Spengler's of a 'Faustian culture of Machines' that conquers the world through the will to power (Spengler, 1992, p. 711).
Spengler's ideas were developed further by the American post-war philosopher, polemicist and post-war 'fascist', Francis Parker Yockey, who in his opus magnum, Imperium took Spengler's ideas into the 20 th century, expanding them even further in the follow-up volume The Enemy of Europe (Yockey, 2000; 2003). Yockey's concept of the Imperium is clearly adapted in Myatt's writings both on National Socialism and within the ONA 6 ?. Another track of thoughts, that has obviously influenced Myatt throughout his life, both as National Socialist and The New Aeon: the ONA believes that the current aeon (spiritual age) has failed, and that global culture is sickened by the weight of its own stagnation.
Corporate greed, political instability, religious extremism, and environmental disruption are all symptoms of the Magian (Judaeo-Christian) political failure to lead. The Order's solution is to usher in a new age, a sort of golden age where society returns to nobler ideals and cultural norms, and where the social structure itself is based on tribalism rather than the city-state of today. This will be accomplished through the returning of the dark gods, which may be understood in either a literal or figurative sense.
Excerpts taken from the book "The Sinister Order of Nine Angles".

Although this is the first time an in-depth examination is conducted of the Sinister Tradition, ONA and David Myatt, the phenomenon of groups fusing right-wing politics with esotericism is not new. Likewise it is possible to place the essentially anti-democratic and anti-western ideas of Myatt in a broader frame of civilizational critique and conflict. In recent years a tendency has emerged to view globalization either in terms of a ‘clash of civilizations’ between ‘the Islamic world’ and ‘the West’ (Samuel P. Huntington), or (less fashionably) as the ‘end of history’ with the global victory of liberal democracy (Francis Fukuyama). However, it can be held that the West instead of facing a clash of civilizations is actually approaching a potential ‘intracivilizational’ struggle between various cultural and religious groups and an impending disintegration of the multi-cultural nation-state. Several observers claim that the West is currently experiencing a ‘return of history’, viz. a return to politics, culture, religion and ideology (Zakaria, 2001), and that what we are experiencing is not a clash between the West and the rest, but between ‘the West and the Post-West within the West itself” (Kurth, 2000, p. 5). It is within such a scenario of intracivilzational struggle, that Myatt and the ONA attempt to act as destabilizing factors in order to bring the current system to a breakdown, and it isclear that Myatt in the last three to four decades has tried almost every existing option, as well as invented new ones, in order to bring about a new ‘Galactic Imperium’. The idea of an Imperium as well as the conscious struggle against modern western societies is not new. As shown in the book Occidentalism: The West in the Eye of Its Enemies, written after September 11, it is possible to trace the anti-western ideas back at least two centuries. More remarkably it is demonstrated how these sentiments are ultimately rooted in the west itself: “No Occidentalist, even the most fervent holy warrior, can ever be entirely free of the Occident” (Burma & Margalit, 2004, p. 144). Historically the first and most obvious example of anti-modern thought that has directly influenced Myatt and the ONA, are the historians and philosophers Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee, whom we have already mentioned. Spengler is mostly famous for his tome Der Untergang des Abendlandes: Umrisse einer Morphologie der Weltgeschichte, where he presents his meta-historical theory of the cyclical properties of civilizations, that rise, fall and perish in a continuum throughout history, like the seasons of the year (Spengler, 2000, p. 70ff). Less known, but not less important when it comes to polemically criticizing the modern world, is Spengler’s book Der Mensch und die Technik, where Man and his relation to technique and culture is presented. When Myatt reveals his own dreams of a new man conquering space, admitting to be heavily indebted to Spengler’s, one cannot help but to compare his ideas with Spengler’s of a ‘Faustian culture of Machines’ that conquers the world through the will to power (Spengler, 1992, p. 71f). Spengler’s ideas were developed further by the American post-war philosopher, polemicist and post-war ‘fascist’, Francis Parker Yockey, who in his opus magnum, Imperium took Spengler’s ideas into the 20th century, expanding them even further in the follow-up volume The Enemy of Europe (Yockey, 2000; 2003). Yockey’s concept of the Imperium is clearly adapted in Myatt’s writings both on National Socialism and within the ONA67. Another track of thoughts, that has obviously influenced Myatt throughout his life, both as National Socialist and Islamist, is anti-Semitism. A scholarly presentation, that traces the anti-Semitic connections between the extreme right and Islamists is given by M. Küntzel (Küntzel, 2007). Looking at Myatt’s own ideas of Jews and Zionists, and their supposed control of the world order, it is probable that he, besides being heavily indebted to classical National Socialist works such as Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and Der Mythos des 20. Jahrhunderts by Alfred Rosenberg (Rosenberg, 2004), has been influenced by more recent ‘apologetic’ (i.e. towards anti-Semitism) works against Jewish influence on modern society. The most well-known example are the books by David Duke. Duke has a murky history as a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, but has gained an immense popularity among right-wing extremists after his success as a political representative for the Republicans in 1996, combined with the widespread circulation of his two books My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism (Duke, 2003). Another prominent critic of Jewish involvement in intellectual and political movements in the 20th century is Kevin MacDonald, who is known primarily for his book The Culture of Critique, which presents Judaism as a form of evolutionary strategy (MacDonald, 2002). MacDonald’s position as professor in Psychology at California State University has helped legitimize anti-Semitism, and the book is widely read among ‘Nazi-intellectuals’68, and Myatt having been a leading ‘ideologue’ of postwar National Socialism for several decades, is most likely aware of and influenced by such works.
Continuing to look at Myatt’s ideological inspirations, we encounter two of the main catalysts or intracivilizational struggle in recent times, namely fundamentalist Islam and the radical European Right, both phenomena that have been on the rise in Europe in recent years, and both phenomena that deliver a severe critique of modernity, a critique that contains surprisingly similar rhetoric and discourse. The radical European Right69 is normally thought to hold some of the most severe critics of Islam, and the most avid defenders of ‘the West’ and thus a recent increase in the collaboration between radical Islamists and the radical European Right can appear both contradictory and paradoxical. That not all European radicals scorn Islam for being a threat to the West, can possibly be explained by looking at historical antecedents to the modern right-wing movements. A prominent source of inspiration comes from the so-called Traditionalist School70, consisting primarily of western intellectuals that converted to oriental religions. Two of the main characters in the traditionalist school are René Guénon and Frithjof Schuon, both of whom are western converts to Sufi-Islam (Sedgwick, 2004, pp. 21-93). Although Traditionalism originates in the early 20th century the ideas have continued to live on, resulting in new converts to Radical Islam based on traditionalist principles71. A more political version of Traditionalism has been espoused by the Italian Julius Evola (Sedgwick, 2004, p. 98ff)72. Building on Traditionalism among other things, a new political movement in Europe arose in the 1960’s, the so-called New Right. It was initiated by Alain de Benoist in 1968 where he founded Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne (Research and Study Group for European Civilization), also known as GRECE73. This movement later spread to other countries, gaining a strong foothold in continental Europe, especially in Germany, where Pierre Krebs leads the organization Thule-Seminar, promoting right-wing identity-politics based on the supposed cultural and historical roots of the Indo-Europeans (O'Meara, 2004, p. 18; Krebs, 1988). Although it is impossible to trace any direct influences between the new right and David Myatt, the mere existence of these groups bear witness to the broader category of right-wing politics as well as esotericism into which most of Myatt’s political ideas resonates.
Having now explored the currents related to the radical European Right, we will now move on to have a brief look at the other phenomenon and potential catalyst for conflict, namely radical Islam. The current and historical relations between Islam and National Socialism have already been explored by G. Michael, who also has a few pages dealing specifically with Myatt’s attempts at forging alliances between National Socialism and Islam, thus leaving out the material related to the ONA (Michael, 2006, pp. 142-148). The anti-modern ideas present in contemporary Islamic fundamentalism has its roots in an older and more general Islamic critique of modernity. Two possible Islamic authors might have been influential on Myatt’s own interpretation of Islam. The first and most likely influence, is Sayyid Qutb, who founded the Muslim Brotherhood, and is seen as one of the fathers of contemporary Islamism, which Myatt, while active as Muslim, both adhered to and promoted (Michael, 2006, pp. 36-44). The other is Jalal Al Ahmad, who was a prominent Iranian critic of modernity. He is mostly known for coining the term gharbzadegi which translates into ‘west-struck-ness’ or occidentosis from his book Occidentosis: A Plague from the West. Ahmad saw the ideas behind modern western societies, with their materialism and lack of spirituality, as a virus that can potentially infect and destroy Islamic nations (Ahmad, 1984).
As documented above, there exist many parallels and historical precedents, which can be used to piece together the various trends and traditions that have influenced the ideology of ONA, both the esoteric and the political one. Although others have previously looked at politically extreme Left-Hand Path Satanism, none of these have successfully identified a specific Sinister Tradition within the Left Hand Path, and although scholars such as Goodrick-Clarke deal with groups such as the Black Order, the White Order of Thule, Fraternitas Loki and the Order of the Jarls of Baelder, these groups have only been described as disparate groups, and the direct links between the ONA and these groups are not identified74. As such this thesis goes beyond the surface with a more in-depth analysis of for example language transmission and adaptation, required in order to establish these connections. Another novelty in this thesis, compared to other similar studies, is the proof of connections between Radical Islam and Satanism not hitherto seen, such as connections to leading radical Muslims in Britain, and even in the Islamic World (Hamas).
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