Viktor Orban - The Crusader! Harsh politics against the Globalism...
Hungarians defy George Soros, give crushing win to pro-Christian conservative Viktor Orban
April 9, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – If the Huffington Post is to be believed, a bigoted Prime Minister in Hungary is leading the nation in a dangerous, ultra-right direction, to the consternation of the populace. If the election results are to be believed, a courageous Hungarian leader is standing against a sea of political correctness, with the support of the populace. I’d say in this case, the Hungarian people have a better sense of reality than does the Huffington Post.
Sunday’s elections resulted in a decisive win for Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz party. (This will mark Orban’s third consecutive term.)
It was also a victory against Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros, who actively supported the opposition liberal (and globalist) candidates. That’s why a Breitbart headline proclaimed, “Bloody Nose for Brussels: Landslide Triumph as Anti-Globalist, Anti-Soros Orban Wins Third Term in Hungary.”

As stated in a pre-election email from Sándor Németh, pastor of the largest Protestant congregation in Europe, “The Hungarian-born George Soros is trying to influence this election on the side of the liberal and globalist opposition parties - offering them huge financial support and an army of thousands of trained activists. His goal is to overthrow our Prime Minister and the governing party, which is actively protecting Christian culture and churches, our national sovereignty and the values of traditional marriage and family.”
Is it any surprise that the Huffington Post had a very different perspective on the elections?
Already in 2015, Ishaan Tharoor, writing in the Washington Post stated that, “Hungary’s Orban invokes Ottoman invasion to justify keeping refugees out.”
Yes, “Orban, a right-wing populist, has been one of the most outspoken voices against resettling tens of thousands of Syrian refugees in Europe. He has used this crisis to cast himself as the legionary on the parapets, staring down the alien hordes that threaten to overwhelm European civilization.”
Tharoor is referring to Hungary’s previous encounter with Islamic foreigners, who took over the nation from 1541-1699. Orban doesn’t want to see something like that happen again.
In his own words, “I think we have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country. We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries, and I do not see any reason for anyone else to force us to create ways of living together in Hungary that we do not want to see. That is a historical experience for us.”
He also noted that, “We shouldn’t forget that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture. Most are not Christian, but Muslim. That is an important question, because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.”
Lest this strike you as utterly bigoted, how would a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia respond to the arrival of tens of thousands of Christian refugees who not only wanted to enjoy government benefits but also had no desire to assimilate into Saudi, Islamic culture? Do they have no right to decline such refugees?
And, given the fact that Muhammad is now the number one boy’s name in countries like England and Wales, Orban’s concerns can be understood. Not surprisingly, he has declared Christianity to be “Europe’s last hope,” a striking statement for a man who was once an atheist.
On a more pragmatic level, “His policies have been widely credited for turning Hungary’s economy around following the 2008 global market crash.”
But for Nick Robins-Early, writing one day before the elections in the Huffington Post, things looked very different. A headline announced, “Hungary’s Strange And Vicious Election Brings Fears For The Future.” Indeed, “As Viktor Orbán looks set for a third consecutive term in power, there is widespread concern about hateful rhetoric and threats to rule of law.”
The article continues: “Orbán’s leadership can seem like a far-right fever dream in which identity politics and fear of outsiders trumps everything else.”
Even George Soros is portrayed as a victim: “Last year, the government also began a billboard campaign that targeted the 86-year-old American billionaire George Soros, whose Open Society Foundations fund a range of liberal-minded projects and organizations in Eastern Europe.
“Soros, a Hungarian Jew, emigrated to the United States after World War II. A leading Jewish organization in Hungary asked Orbán to halt the campaign, saying it was a proxy for anti-Semitism ? something that the government denies.”
So, a radical, far-right, anti-Semitic government is using identity politics to rob needy refugees of a bright and hopeful future. How utterly vicious and cruel. In the words of Soros, Prime Minister Orban is “the leader of a mafia state.”
Not only so, but, “Under the guise of legal reform, Orbán has undermined Hungary’s judiciary and captured all independent state institutions, said Kim-Lane Scheppele, a professor of political science at Princeton University who previously worked at Hungary’s constitutional court.”
Worse still, Orban controls the media as well: “Today, Orbán and his allies control much of how Hungarians get their news. When dealing with dissenting voices, Orbán and his spokesman have also aggressively gone after the media at home and abroad.”
Others interviewed by the Huffpost supported these serious claims. Shades of 1984!
Pastor Németh gives us a healthier perspective of the reality on the ground: “If Orban and his party come out victorious, then, with strong government-support, the battle will continue not only against the Islamisation of our continent, but also against the hatred of Christianity, and against anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in Europe.” (For the record, Németh is a staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish people.)
He adds, “In the past three years, Viktor Orban has boldly stood up for the traditional values of Europe and the protection of all communities which are based on the Judeo-Christian revelation. He has also spoken up on multiple occasions for the need to revitalise these communities.”
Interestingly, “He was the only European political leader who made positive comments about Donald Trump during the American presidential election campaign.”
Is it any surprise, then, that Orban’s policies have drawn such ire from the left?
Thankfully, for the good of Hungary, it is the people of that nation, not the liberal Western media, who have the final vote.

Viktor Orban - The Bulldozer of the Hungary! Harsh politics can save the country and the culture from the invasion and the lost of the identity of the people and the country.
Viktor Orban became the high leader that can save Hungary from the globalist destroyers of the autonomy and the culture of the Hungarian people. Unfortunately, Merkel and UE gave the Soros the capability of control the funds on investments to migration. This point, the culture of the people are lost, mixed and the high laws of religious and cultural forms are implemented by tradition and in a short period of time, the legislation comes to a level to protect the culture and mix with the new immigrant people.
The refugees for sure need their places, but they have to know that Sharia is not higher than the countries laws, they must know that nobody is obligated to accept new behaviors.
UE and Globalists, as Soros, are trying to dissolve Hungary to implement their banks and break the country economicaly and divide the country with islamization.
This radicalization is not accept as reverse, cultural pagans are not accepted in Islam, as they are not accepted in christian countries. But the invasion from the desert is financed to destroy the history and politics.
The Hungarian Election: Viktor Orbán Declares War on Globalism
Last Thursday, March 15, is the most important holiday in Hungary. It’s a commemoration of the 1848 Hungarian revolution, in which the people of Hungary rose up in revolt against the Austrian Empire. They managed to win, too, until the Austrians called in their Russian allies to squash the revolution, in a recurring pattern of Russia invading and imposing tyranny on Hungary.
Last Thursday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave a speech outside the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest, marking the 170th anniversary of the revolution. In the speech, he also opened fire on the forces that are seeking to destroy Hungary and turn it into an African country, a speech that fired up the crowd and caused the leftist opposition to shit their pants.
I was at the event. Well over 100,000 people flooded downtown Budapest to hear Orbán speak. In addition to countless Hungarians who came from all over the country, a delegation of Polish nationalists also came to show solidarity with Hungary’s struggle against globalism and multiculturalism. Prior to Orbán’s speech, there was a show with dancing and music to commemorate the 1848 uprising.
While my Hungarian isn’t that great, I was able to pick up bits and pieces of Orbán’s speech. In particular, when he mentioned “Soros” and “NGOs,” the crowd went wild. Here’s a short clip of Orbán speaking: I would have recorded more, but I was near the back of the audience and the people in front of me were continuously throwing up umbrellas and Fidesz signs, blocking my view.

Globalism is the romantic form that International Relations gave to unify the world as one good thing and they sell it in universities as a good thing, but it only destroys the culture of the countries, implement international politics that are destructive to the countries with the influence of NGOs and paralel politics and influence of supranational organizations like UN, in Europe UE, in America OAS, and other high national decision makers.
Globalists would unify the environment proclaiming the war against terrorism, enslavement, but they use their influencial in international banks, financing countries to promote the governments they belive they can have more benefits, for exemple, financing genocide in Africa, training terrorists to use as mercenaries in Syria and promoting migration with infiltrated terrorists, to promote implementation of new schools that teaches on new culture of comming people.
It's not only one side, remembers Iraq when there were implementation of Teenager magazises to muslim teenagers, schools that promoted American Way of Life and unhealthy food to Iraq population.
The promotion of new cultures is a strategy of divide and conquer, to put the world in te invisible hands on the globalist and mundialists financers.
Orbán: “we must fight against an organized international network”
Hungary – On the occasion of the National Day and three weeks ahead of the elections, Viktor Orbán demonstrated his popularity and his determination to fight against “an organized international network”.
On March 15, Hungary celebrates the Revolution for Independence of 1848-1849. This is an eminently political day for the Hungarians, and traditionally each party organizes an event with its supporters.
The various opposition parties each gathered a few thousand participants. But the event of the day was undeniably the “peace march”.
The Fidesz, the party of Viktor Orbán, organized between 2012 and 2014 these “peace marches” to demonstrate his popularity and his unmatched ability to gather crowds. The first march aimed to demonstrate to the European Union the support that Viktor Orbán enjoyed in Hungary, while he had to negotiate on his new constitution. But since 2014, no peace march has been organized.
And this year was a record: few hundreds thousands people, up to 500,000 according to some sources, despite the rain, marched in Budapest to express their support for Viktor Orbán. True demonstration of strength for the undecided, the opposition and abroad, the march of supporters of Viktor Orbán – gathered at the call of polemicist and TV show presenter Zsolt Bayer – ended on the place of parliament where the Hungarian Prime Minister held his speech on 15 March.
Before the start of the march, Zsolt Bayer, historical figure of Fidesz and of the Hungarian television, said that the participants are those who still know what “God, the nation and the homeland means, those who know what is the family and what children represent, and recognize the two genders, woman and man”.
Here are the main points of Viktor Orbán’s speech of March 15, 2018:
At the opening of his speech, Viktor Orbán greeted the participants, especially the hundreds of Poles present, recalling the strong and ancient links that unite Poland and Hungary. For the Hungarian Prime Minister, the strength of each country is a guarantee for the other one. And in this sense, “this year’s peace march was not just a national affair, it was also a support for Poland”.
“In the upcoming elections to be held in three weeks, it is not about voting for the next four years […] the issue is the future of the country”. For Viktor Orbán, his supporters are the heirs of freedom fighters of 1848-49. Recalling that for thirty years, his supporters, united behind him, have fought numerous and important struggles, Viktor Orbán announced that “the main fight is yet to come,” because according to him, “some people want to take our country from us”.
“They want that within a few decades, of our own free will, we’d give up our country to others. Strangers from other parts of the world who do not speak our language, do not respect our culture, our laws and our ways of life. Who want to replace our people by theirs. They want that in future, it will not be us and our descendants who live here, but others. And there is no exaggeration [in my words],” said the Hungarian Prime Minister, later explaining the situation in Western Europe and presenting it as a counterexample.
“Those who do not stop immigration at their borders will eventually disappear”. According to Viktor Orbán, “some external forces and international powers try to impose this on us”. And the elections of April 8 are in his opinion a good opportunity for these forces to assert their agenda. “So we do not just want to win an election, but our future.”
“Europe, and within it, Hungary, has arrived at a critical point: never have the patriotic and internationalist forces opposed in such a way.” For the strong man of Budapest, the opposition is between the millions of patriots and democrats, and the globalist and undemocratic elites.
“We have to deal with a displacement of people, which threatens our way of life. […] It is not the weak little opposition parties that we have to fight, but an international network organized into a real empire. Media supported by foreign consortia and local oligarchs, paid activists, agitators, NGOs funded by international speculators, things that the name of George Soros represents and embodies. It is this world that we must fight in order to preserve ours”.
With a martial rhetoric, Viktor Orbán considered the opposition as a whole an objective ally of George Soros and his interests.
“Europe is invaded. If we do nothing, tens and tens of millions of people from Africa and the Middle East will come to Europe.” Rejecting the passivity of Western Europe, Viktor Orbán warned Europe against the future African demography. “Brussels does not defend Europe,” said Orbán, insisting on Brussels’ willingness to support such immigration.
“After the elections, we will seek redress. Morally, politically, and legally”. For the opposition, this sentence sounded like a threat.
“As our forefathers rightly said, a coward folk has no country. […] We have always fought, and we have always won at the end. We have sent back home the Sultan and his Janissaries, we have ejected the Habsburg Emperor and his soldiers, the Soviets and their comrades, and now we are going to eject George Soros and his networks. We ask him to return to America and take care of them!”
Back on the immigration topic, Viktor Orbán explained that one single error is enough, “if the dike collapses and the water flows in,” he said, “the cultural conquest will become irreversible.”
In conclusion, the Hungarian Prime Minister appealed to the young people, to tell them the importance of having a homeland. “Dear Hungarian youth, the homeland needs you,” he said, “come and join us in our fight so that when you’ll need the homeland you’ll still have one.”
The speech ended with the recitation – not the singing – of the national anthem – which is a prayer – as well as a call to fight.

Viktor Orbán Defends Hungary From EU Globalist Gangsters
Viktor Orbán today defended his nation proudly before the internationalist hyenas of the European parliament. As part of a wider EU debate on “the situation in Hungary”, Orbán had requested to speak to offer his government’s verdict on current events. The parliament had previously been content with trying the Hungarian government in absentia – as they, like any underhand group, do not wish to speak to a man’s face but only behind his back – but at the last minute accepted the Prime Minister’s request to make his case.
Following on from a speech attacking Hungary by the arch-Europhile himself Frans Timmermans, Mr Orbán defended his government and his country against numerous charges; that their treatment of refugees is unlawful; that they are supposedly plotting to ‘restrict civil society’; that they are turning their people against the European Union. Mr Orbán remained rational, respectful and dignified throughout, expressing his country’s commitment to Europe as well as his people’s daily espousal of European values.
In looking at both speeches, some interesting points stand out.
The main objects of this debate on “the situation in Hungary”, as the sycophants at the European Union put it, are the issues surrounding a so-called breach of market competition rules pertaining to University funding, as well as wider legislation adopted by the Hungarian government relating to NGOs and their funding.
Mr Timmermans and his loyal dogs chose to attack Prime Minister Orbán’s government on the grounds of “restricting the freedom of students” by “closing down” the Central European University, despite the fact the university has issued a statement explaining they will go on as usual in compliance with the new laws. In reality, the Hungarian government are standardising the law relating to foreign-funded universities as part of a crackdown on the subversive behaviour of NGOs (Non-governmental Organisations), many of which, including the university, are funded by Jewish financier and market speculator George Soros.
However, as the speech of Mr Timmermans unfolded, it became clear that this is about much more than students’ freedom of choice in regards to higher education.
Specifically, the point regarding market regulation was stressed numerous times by the Commission Vice-President, both in relation to the activity of NGOs, the legal restrictions on CEU, but also on various other domestic policies of the Hungarian government, most notably on energy pricing.
Of course, the EU object to the crackdown on the activities of Jewish financier George Soros. Soros has publicly stated his ambition to fund the relocation of a million third world migrants to Europe every year, a project that the European Union are fully on board with. It is also within the remit of Soros’ Open Society foundation to interfere in the democratic proceedings of nation states, as they seek to undermine national governments by mobilising protesters (often bussed in from afar) and fuelling civil unrest, as has been seen in Budapest recently in regards to the new CEU law – the EU wish to see the back of Viktor Orbán and his nationalist government as quickly as possible, so of course they will defend the man financing anti-government protests.
The individual points of the speech appear abstract in their references to technical points of market competition regulation, or invoking freedom of expression and civil society, but in actual fact this speech, when pieced together, presents a holistic picture of the 3-pronged globalist attack on Hungary.
This is an attack-style that has been used by globalists for as long as the notion of globalisation has been entertained. It is the process currently underway in much of the western world, whereby giant capitalistic organisations monopolise the industry of a nation, immigrants are imported to create a labour surplus, ensuring that said capitalists have a cheap workforce to employ, and finally the NGOs and the universities are employed to convince the people of the nation in question that this disgraceful subversion is acceptable.
This is where the issue of energy and market competition becomes relevant. The Hungarian government have defied EU market law, which effectively prevents governments from bringing industry into public ownership. The US state department issued the following information regarding the energy market in Hungary:
Since mid-2012, a number of GOH (Government of Hungary) measures have made it more difficult for foreign-owned energy companies to operate in the Hungarian market. The GOH has publicly stated its interest in nationalizing some private energy firms. In 2013, the GOH purchased E.ON’s wholesale and gas storage divisions and RWE’s retail gas company, Fogaz. In 2014 and 2015, the GOH acquired other energy companies. The last foreign-owned gas retail company, Italian ENI’s Tigaz, announced in June 2015 that would exit the market. By the end of 2016, state-owned Fogaz will be the only remaining retail gas utility provider in Hungary. Press reported that the GOH intends to take over the electricity and the heating retail markets as well.
This process of nationalisation has removed power from the aggressive capitalists who seek to monopolise the internal markets of the nation state. The energy companies are just one branch of the globalist power that is international finance, but depriving them of their embarrassingly high profits is a crime in the minds of those lawmakers in Brussels who only have the interests of their paymasters in mind.
Hungary is going against the global consensus. Her people pay €4.2 per 100kWh for gas and €13.3 per kWh (per household) in electricity, the lowest prices in all of Europe. Contrast this with the United Kingdom, where the ‘big 6’ private energy monopoly make £100 profit per household.
Furthermore, the Hungarian government has stated its plans to eradicate unemployment in the country and has made great strides to doing so through various public ‘workfare’ programs. This, coupled with the refusal to take in surplus labour disguised as refugees, deprives the giant corporations of the necessary equations (supply of workers greater than the demand of employers, ie surplus labour) to depress worker’s wages.
Finally, to defeat this disgusting plot once and for all, the ruling Fidesz Party has moved to curb the influence of Soros-funded NGOs and institutions that seek to undermine the intellectual/political sphere of life in Hungary, thus removing their ability to brainwash the Hungarian people as they have done to the peoples of the west.
The real objection of the global establishment has no basis in the notions of freedom of expression or civil society. The truth is that Hungary is a model for how to start throwing off the shackles of international finance and they are afraid that if they are allowed to proceed, the rest of the west will begin to realise that it is the right way forward.
They cannot let this happen.
The European Union are in full attack mode with Hungary in their sights. Soros-funded NGOs have already began to plant the seeds of a manufactured revolution, with their fake protesters and rent-a-mob antifa-type agitators. Watch as international finance colludes with the politicians of the west to bring down the Hungarian dream. They will break Hungary as they have broken many nations in the past.
Viktor Orbán is a brave man and an honourable leader for his defiance in the face of the globalist menace. As he stood before the European Parliament, you could almost feel the disdain radiating from the establishment benches who simply cannot accept a man who puts his own people first. What will unfold only time will tell, but expect to see more manufactured protest, more agitation and strong underhand tactics employed by the European Union against the Hungarian nation.
'You will CRUSH the people' Hungarian PM slams 'GLOBALIST ELITE' for open-door migration
Viktor Orban claimed the “lords of globalist politics are not searching for the fault within themselves… but are instead blaming the people and nations” following the rejection of mainstream politics which manifests itself in the Brexit vote and Trump’s presidential victory.
He said: “They have decided they will not surrender their positions, but will crush any will of the people that opposes the open society and liberal governance.
The 53-year-old Hungarian politician added: “If the poor, slowly-awakening citizens do after all dig in their heels, they’ll be flooded with a few million migrants."
He mocked the globalists elite's view on those who want to keep their traditions, adding: "‘If these fuddy-duddies in Europe, who are unwilling or unable to shake free of their Christian roots and patriotic feelings, won’t take heed, then let’s dig deeper and replace the subsoil of European life.
"'Let masses of people from different religious backgrounds – who have been raised with different morals and different traditions, and who have no idea about Europe – come and teach us a lesson’.
He returned to his serious tone and said: “This is how the world’s most bizarre coalition of people smugglers, human rights activists and leading European politicians was created, with the aim of systematically bringing millions of migrants into Europe. Where will all this lead?”
Hungary’s leader has also claimed Soros was attempting to influence policy within his own nation and the rest of the EU nations by sponsoring open-door migration.
He said: “Large-bodied predators are swimming here in the waters. This is the trans-border empire of George Soros, with tons of money and international heavy artillery.
“It is causing trouble… that they are trying secretly and with foreign money to influence Hungarian politics.”

Immigration as a Weapon of International Finance
Since the end of the Second World War, Europe and the nations of large European diaspora have experienced the modern phenomenon of mass migration, that is, the movement of millions of people from third-world nations to the developed world. This has caused discontent amongst the host populous, particularly in Europe, a continent that had previously known relative ethnic and cultural homogeneity. Western Europe in particular, along with the United States of America, have received large numbers of immigrants from non-western countries, in particular Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Arab world.
There have been no tangible benefits to this type of immigration. Social cohesiveness has been severely depleted thanks to ethnic, cultural and religious tensions that go along with the forced integration of alien peoples into a previously homogeneous society. Furthermore, this polluting of the gene pool of European nations and nations of European diaspora has resulted in the average IQ of those nations gradually reducing over time and with it, the living standards as well as general societal behavioural standards, including criminality.
In economic terms, the evidence has consistently and universally pointed towards the fact that third-world immigrants have a net negative fiscal impact on societies, meaning that they take more from the public purse in welfare and public services than they contribute via indirect or direct taxation.
So the pertinent question is, why, when there are no discernible benefits to the people as a whole, is the mass migration of peoples from the third-world to developed nations still advocated and implemented by governments of both the left and the right?
To answer that question, one must first recognise what, or rather, who, is really in control of the policy making process in European nations and nations of European diaspora.
Sir Oswald Mosley answered this very accurately in a speech about democracy given back in the 1930’s. Mosley said of those who enforce liberal democracy, “when they talk about democracy they mean financial democracy, in which money counts and nothing but money!”
The BUF leader was alluding to the fact that democracy is not decided by who wins the most votes, but rather who will best do the bidding of international finance. That is, who happens to be better friends with the powerful CEOs of multinational corporations or the shareholders of the large international banks. For it is this small clique who truly control democratic systems. They own the means of production, therefore it is only natural that they would desire ultimate control over those who participate in their system, AKA the consumer-worker classes – there is no such thing as ‘working class’, for we are all workers and consumers unless we are economically self-sufficient (rare anomaly) or a part of the small owner class.
It is a foregone conclusion that this clique of ‘super capitalists’ control not just the means of production, but also the democratic system itself. This is because on a base level, society can be defined as a market place, which can itself have the same supply and demand rules applied as they would be to any other market transaction.
This is where immigration is relevant. In order to sustain the giant profits made by the owners of the means of production, the equation required in the jobs:labour ratio must always be stacked against the consumer-worker class. In real terms, this means that there must always be surplus labour and therefore, a proportion of society that is without work. As with any supply and demand equation, if the supply of labour (the commodity) is greater than the demand of the employers (consumers) then that labour reduces in price. The greater the surplus, the lower the price of the labour gets, when price is calculated as the wage the employer is required to pay the worker.
In the post-war period, with European labour forces severely depleted owing to the death of millions of young men and the falling fertility rates of women, the desired ratio of jobs to workers began to slip away from the traditional labour force surplus. It is no coincidence that it was in this post-war period that immigration began to be pushed in European nations, which supposedly had labour forces so diminished that the economies simply couldn’t function. This, of course, is a myth. We simply didn’t have a large enough labour force to benefit the owners of the means of production.
Another reason that this balance had to be addressed urgently (in the minds of the international capitalists) was the move towards socialist command economies by various European governments. The United Kingdom, as one example, elected a Labour Party government in 1945 that brought many essential industries and services into public ownership and enacted wage-price regulation that essentially took the power away from the owning classes. Unfortunately, being the useful idiots that they are, the Labour government bowed to pressure and signed into law an open door for millions of third world citizens of the British Commonwealth – this created a situation whereby the state could not provide the jobs that were required as the population grew, therefore the conditions enabled the discrediting a perfectly good economic system by those who sought to get their hands bac on the means of production.
It is of great misfortune to the general populous that this should happen. During the years of post-war Labour government (1945-50), when the economy moved toward a socialist command system with public ownership and wage-price controls, unemployment on average was 1.9%. Contrast this with the neo-liberal economic years of Thatcher, when the grips of international finance had got their hands on all aspects of the British economy, when unemployment averaged 8.75%, reaching the heights of 11, 12 and even 13% at various points throughout the 1980s. It is this programme of labour surplus that began to dip during the 1990s, which – surprise, surprise – is the same time the governments, both labour and conservatives, opened our labour market up to mass immigration from the third world, thus replenishing the surplus labour lost to falling fertility rates.

This pattern was repeated across Western Europe at various stages of the post-war period and, as immigration and population size/labour force increased, the state was forced to loosen its control on the means of production and handed it back, bit by bit, to the giant capitalists.
Since then the program of immigration and exploitation has only accelerated. Every western European nation and nation of European diaspora has sizeable populations of young, fertile immigrants who are more than willing to play their part in depressing wages for themselves and the native host populations.
As if the implicit control of this system was not enough, there are now blanket rules across the whole of the European Economic Area that prevent public ownership of the means of production or vital services. When one learns that there are over 30,000 corporate lobbyists at European Union headquarters in Brussels and, that 80% of European Law is deemed to have originated in the minds of the lobbyists’ paymasters, it is not difficult to make the connection that these market regulations suit only the capitalist class, not the vast majority who fall into the consumer-worker class category.
This is also why those who criticise immigration are vilified, and those who stand for election on a platform to stop immigration are cast out like lepers, with their political careers and personal lives destroyed. It has been made abundantly clear by the propagators of financial democracy that any deviation from their plan is not only not allowed, it’s now illegal too through varying laws regarding market competition or political correctness regarding the immigrant issue.
We live in a world where our ethnic displacement is celebrated in the name of an exploitative free-market system, our cultural identities are sacrificed at the altar of international finance, and our economic power is manipulated by those who seek to bleed dry the financial systems of nations.
This system of immigration and labour surplus is sustained by the positions of political parties on both the left and the right, albeit for very different reasons. Those on the right have an ideological commitment to the free market and, along with this, the openness of trade between nations. This openness encompasses the free movement of goods and labour, therefore immigration for the purposes of work is advocated by those on the right. The modern conservatives also have a commitment to low corporation taxes and the theory of a profit driven, laissez-faire economy, therefore whatever is best for the corporation is considered to be best for the nation as a whole, i.e immigration, labour surplus and therefore, low wages.
The social tensions caused by this immigration and consequent multi-ethnic societies are what have seemingly led to the creation of the modern brand of neo-conservatism, which seeks to suppress these racial tensions through mass surveillance and a strict enforcement of political correctness to silence dissent.
The left, ironically, are more cautious about this system, although they do sustain it with their policies for very different reasons. The left often complain about corporations exploiting migrant labour to keep wages low, although this provides a contradiction considering leftists, that is, those who derive their political position from Marx, have a worldview that dictates national borders are diminishing in importance. They believe that people are divided on class lines as opposed to, in their minds, the ‘social construct’ that is race, ethnicity and nationality. This delusion ensures that they retain a commitment to open borders and mass immigration, thus sustaining the cycle of social tensions, surplus labour and low wages.
And of course, these policies are artfully orchestrated by the donors and the city, who’s support any politician depends on should they wish to hold power in any occidental nation. One may notice that there is common ground between the far-left and the far-right, namely that they both wish to extricate their societies from the systems of international finance. It is for this reason they have the adverb “far” before their described positions on the political spectrum. They must be cast out, degraded and ridiculed to reduce their popular appeal, painting their supporters as the amplifiers of insanity in order to ensure that ‘normal’ people vote against their own interests in favour of the giant capitalists.
This system of immigration as the weapon of international finance is not sustainable. The societal tensions that occur as people realise more and more that race and ethnicity and identity is important beyond measure, will cause the balkanisation and eventual slide of the west into violence and chaos. By denying the truth of these issues, we are only entrenching the problems that are being forced upon us by international finance – it is not fair on the immigrant any more than it is on the host population, who both lose their identities and freedoms. We must accept that it is capitalism to blame just as much, if not more so, than leftist ideology for the dire straits in which we find ourselves.
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