The 'Chaotic' Eurasianism: The Left Hand and the Traditionalism - Against the multipolarity and the world government
The Traditionalism is an emotion, sensum, and a politica doctrina that goes beyond the common sense and the strands that rules the world at its politics. The old politics are restoring the feeling for the unity at its private doctrine and behavior and the restore of the past and history of a people. People call it fascism, but it's far beyond the superficial and also pejorative description. It's the restore of the unity of a nation, a people, a tradition that represents the primal sense of it's present.
The Eurasianism is a doctrine comming from Russia to restore the tradition of a Slavonic people around, not to be under the control of Russia, it's another superficial presumption, but it's to deny the world globalistic ideas and the corruption of a people with occidental destructive ideals.
As it is not widely appreciated, the Duginist groups networks active in social medias and there is a great recruitment of people of the extreme right wing and amongst the Leftists. Some of the groups are anti-Salafists Shi'i and Sunni Muslims, and supporters of the Resistance Axis.
As the anti-modern feeling grows more and more, the non acceptance of christianity and judaism as a part of the society grows more, in the restore of a traditional local religion, local pagans and local old rituals that bring back the old manners. It becomes more thatn a legitimate aliance, but a united front against an Empire with the sinister ends, and this will goes beyond the left and right. So the appropriation of a primal westerno occultist framework becomes a transformation into a political strategy of action and propaganda to a core of political ideology.
Once satanism becomes a movement of the extremist right, and the first step for the rationalism against the religious moral, after comes the second step, the identity and restore of the local reconization of the rituals pre-catholic, than the restore of the paganism. The idea is to promote a unity of people against the judeo-christianity and give them the identity of a nation, a nationality that goes beyond the christianity, but remembering the values of the ancestors.
The answer for this is a syncretism of ideologies that restore the pagan ideologies and the most traditionalist writters philosophies, and the controversal and contradictory influences has a political and ideological background like the adherence of the ideals of René Ghénon, a French Sufi Muslim convert, perennialism, the Italian Julius Evola and the idea of a heathen imperialism and the revolt against the modern world, the adherence of the Blavatsky Theosophical Society's Secret and Occult Doctrines, etc. Also the traditionalism regrets to a hostile place as a Heideggerianism, culminating to a eschatological moment that represents a war between the modern and the neo-modern.
It also goes beyond a social behavior and a unity of community. The misanthropic ideas of the occultist Aleister Crowley becomes a part of the Duginist view and praxis. The practice of the Chaos Magic specifies much of the paradoxes and contradictions of the Duginist weltanschauung to specify the ideology of the Fourth Positionist beyond the far right or far left. The praxis of Osman Spare and some of the magical societá, stimulates the non-global view of the unification and ecumenism of a faith, restoring the old syncretism of old gods and bring world back to a world of anarcho-primitivism, that goes far from the rules, but the respect for the geopolitical space and the common view of a positive behavior that promotes unification of people around a nation.
Also the bringing back of some of the polyteistic satanist groups and restore of the chaotic world, not bringing into chaos, but to restore an order, a pre-christian order, makes the ancient gods being more reconized as it's aspects of the social behaviors, making the possibility of good and evil coexist and return the world into a place with a more philosophical utopia or social darwinist competition. This stimulates an actual animalistic locus of Duginist far-right praxis and the symbolism of the Eurasian flag is the Dark Flag with the Chaos Symbol of eight white or yellow arrows. The symbol itself is the chaos star, the chaos cross, chaosphere, used in Thulean Society and other religious orders comes from Austin Osman Spare's Chaos Magic practice, like the extremist ultra right wing from Attomwaffen for exemple, or Tempel ov Blood, or other left hand path politic groups.
The symbol of the Chaosphere is regarding the malleabolity of all beliefs and their pliability as tools to the leader (magician, politician, or whatever the leader consists), as the position of the Nietzschean 'will to power' itself becomes the prime motivation of the Black Magus turned to a political activist. The significant formula of Chaos born from the continual paradigm or the constant arbitrary change of beliefs, that holds contradictory positions simultaneously that becomes the vehicle for the self-realization and understanding coincidentia oppositorium underlying all phenomena.
The spiritual pracice of numerous correlations and comparisons that made the specific idea among many traditions around the globe, from magic to the old oriental practices - as Trantric to Hermeticism, Satanism to esoteric Christianism, Taoist to Thulean, etc - and the position from the religious tradition to the political positions in a mix of the every political rules and ideologies - from far right to the totalitarian state, from the Third Positionist to the Democracy, from the Anarcho-primitivism and Social Darwinism to the Economic Liberal, etc. - and a mix of practices linked specifically to any spiritual practice of realization and the political praxis in the Will to Power at it's crudest form.
The philosophy of Dugin thus power consists the features of thinking in the paradigmatic 'beyond left and right' forming more than an ideology but a movement, in other words, the alchemichal proccess of mix of paradigms promotes a hard understanding principles of serving a ultra right wing with primal traditionalist ideology and nationalist, with occultist principles regarding the primal roots of spirituality.
In the primal ideal, René Guénon refered to Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society were essencialy acting in the capacity of a colonialist trap of a Trojan Horse to put the British Secret Services in order to infiltrate and disrupt the traditional religious groups, pagans and non western spiritual groups - Theosophy: The History of a Pseudo-Religion, 2004 - that gave to Dugin networks in Iran, Lebanon, Syria and other Islamic World societies and Eastern Europe.
That for sure attepnt the ideological order to recruit the far-right wint to appear and speak against the globalization in a reactionary rethoric of immigration and refugee crisis, and search for alliances that made inside the Islamic World search the Russia their alied.
The Chaosphere shows the position in International Relations the possibility of a multipolar order, and a position of a State in the promotion of relations in the diplomatic, economic or military order between others.
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The Chaosphere is the symbol that promotes many ideologies, capable to understand the mix of cultures, to promote peaceful conditions in the anarchic global relations. The symbiosis in many ideologies, promoting a figure of a order in them is the point that raises the draconian tradition. The political position of the chaos symbol promotes the order in the anarchic system, promoting the regret of the modernity to the traditional, the nationalism to the aliances between the specificity of traditions, the anti-Western position, the paradigmatic form of realism in its primal position, etc.
It remotes to the far right and the far left, evoking the primal Kulturkampf and promote the traditional regionalim.
Further to this, in the 22 countries where the International Eurasian Youth Movement have a presence, including the US, UK, Serbia and Turkey, there are fascist paramilitary defense leagues (Gladio) working in tandem with them.
Further to this, in the 22 countries where the International Eurasian Youth Movement have a presence, including the US, UK, Serbia and Turkey, there are fascist paramilitary defense leagues (Gladio) working in tandem with them.

Order Out of Chaos Magic: The Dark Roots of the Alt Right
Recently I ended up on a crazy dot connecting mission, thanks to information presented to me by Hugh Wyatt Mann. Some interesting information is starting to come together after releasing my video on the Alt Right and Eurasiansim, which discusses how the New Right and the Trad Workers Party youth division, called The Traditionalist Youth Network, use the “chaos symbol”.
Notice how Matt also uses sigils in his “Jesus Loves You” sign. Sigil magic is a major component of chaos magic. The chaos magicians believe that creating sigils with a certain intent will magically bring about said intention.
A close associate of The Trad Workers Party, and the alt right in general, is known anti-White psychopath, Alexander Dugin. Dugin also totes the “chaos symbol”.
Dugin has some other interesting associations, in particular with Richard Spencer of Alt Right fame, as well as other major players.
Here we find out more about Dugin’s connections to Chaos Magic:
"The misanthropic ideas of British occultist and satanist Aleister Crowley (d. 1947) do however inform both the Duginist world view and its contemporary praxis. Indeed it is within the worldview of Chaos magic specifically (which is a spawn of Crowley’s Thelemic philosophy) where much of the paradoxes and seeming contradictions of the Duginist weltanschauung – and especially in its Fourth Positionist catchall of ‘beyond right or left’ – must be sought, since this is (whether explicitly articulated or not) the actual animating locus of the Duginist far-right praxis, beginning with its choice of symbology, i.e. his Eurasian flag of eight white or yellow thunderbolts (or arrows) shaped in a radial pattern and set behind a black background. This symbol by itself is alternatively referred to in Chaos magic as the ‘wheel of chaos’, ‘the symbol of chaos’, ‘arms of chaos’, ‘the arrows of chaos’, ‘the chaos star’, ‘the chaos cross’, ‘the chaosphere’ or ‘the symbol of eight’. Somewhat reminiscent of the Thule Society and then Hitler’s own appropriation of the swastika from the writings of Theosophical Society founder H.P. Blavatsky (d. 1891), Dugin derives his design from the popularizations of it made by western Chaos magicians during the 1970s-1980s who themselves appropriated it from the work of British science fiction and fantasy novelist Michael Moorcock. (Source)"

For anyone not aware, Dugin was the founder of the National Bolshevik Party, which should be sending some red flags for you all.
In the 22 countries where Dugin’s International Eurasian Youth Movement have a presence, including the US, UK, Serbia and Turkey, there are fascist paramilitary defense leagues working in tandem with them. Remind anyone of Operation Gladio?
Dugin’s movement is closely tied tot he European and American “New Right”, which also chose the chaos symbol to represent their movement. Cohen-cidence? I think not.
Many on the New Right (and Alt Right) scene not only go along with Dugin’s vision of the future, but also embrace some dark magic. For example, Grinder Greggie, one of The New Right’s favorite faggots, also has a high regard for Crowley, the known homosexual and alleged child and animal rapist.
Apparently buttsex and orgies with animals is an important contribution to “The New Right”. He also mentions the philosophy of Thelema, which was Crowley’s religion. Interestingly, Augustus Sol Invictus (White advocate, lawyer, and Red Ice guest) is a Thelemite. There was a major uproar from the public regarding his goat sacrificing ritual.
The religion of Thelema is based on a philosophical law of the same name, adopted as a central tenet by some religious organizations. The law of Thelema is: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the Law. Love under will.
Crowley and Thelema have been a huge inspiration for many people in the so-called “counter-culture”, spawning many different “magical” movements. One of these offshoots was founded by a group of Chaos magicians.
"The Church of the SubGenius is a parody religion that satirizes better known belief systems. It teaches a complex philosophy that focuses on J. R. “Bob” Dobbs, purportedly a salesman from the 1950s, who is revered as a prophet by the Church. SubGenius leaders have developed detailed narratives about Dobbs and his relationship to various gods and conspiracies. Their central deity, Jehovah 1, is accompanied by other gods drawn from ancient mythology and popular fiction. SubGenius literature describes a grand conspiracy that seeks to brainwash the world and oppress Dobbs’ followers. In its narratives, the Church presents a blend of cultural references in an elaborate remix of the sources. ("
Modern political order is seen as essentially global and based on the purely individual identity. It is worst order and should be completely destroyed. When “White nationalists” want to reaffirm the Tradition and ancient culture of European peoples they are right. But when they attack immigrants, Muslims or the nationalists of the other countries (basing on historic conflicts), when they defend USA, atlanticism, liberalism or Modernity, when they consider the White race (that produced Modernity in its essential features) as the highest and other races as inferior I disagree with them totally.
More than this: I can’t defend Whites against non-Whites, because being White and Indo-European myself, I recognize the difference of other ethnic groups as natural thing and refuse any hierarchy between peoples – because there isn’t and can’t be any common universal measure to compare the ethnic societies or systems of values.
I am proud to be Russian exactly as Americans, Africans, Arabs or Chinese’s are proud to be what they are. It is our right and our dignity to affirm our identity. Not against each other but such as it is – without resentment to other or remorse for themselves.

I can’t defend Nation, because Nation is bourgeois concept imagined by Modernity in order to destroy the traditional societies (Empires) and religions and install artificial pseudo-communities based on the individual identity. All that is wrong. Nation is destroyed now by the same forces that have created that in the first stage of Modernity. The Nations have fulfilled their mission to destroy organic and spiritual identity and now the capitalists liquidate their proper instrument in favor of direct globalization.
We need to attack capitalism as an absolute enemy responsible for creation of Nation as simulacrum of traditional society and for actual destruction of it. The reason of the present catastrophe lies deep in the ideological and philosophical bases of Modern World. And the Modernity is White and National (in the beginning), becoming global in the end.
So White nationalists should choose their real camp: Tradition (including their own Indo-European Tradition) or Modernity. The atlanticism, liberalism, individualism are forms of absolute evil for the Indo-European identity, they are incompatible with it.
If “identitarians” love really their identity they should be with Eurasianists, with the traditionalists, with the enemies of capitalism of any political camp, people, religion or culture.
Being anti-communist, anti-Muslim, anti-Eastern, pro-USA, atlanticist today means to belong to the other side, it means to be on the side of Global World Order and financial oligarchy. But that is illogical because the globalists consequently destroy any identity except individual one and making alliance with them means betrayal of the essence of the cultural identity.
The problem with the left is different. It is quite good opposing capitalist order, but it lacks here spiritual dimension. The Left usually represents itself as another way of modernization – that is the reason of the opposition to the organic values, traditions and religion.
So I would be happy to see left identitarians who would defend the social justice, on one hand, attacking capitalism, and spiritual Tradition, on the other hand, attacking Modernity.
The enemy is one: global liberal capitalist order with North-American hegemony (directed also against real American identity).
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