Venezuela - The Terrorism Show: A Terrorist Attack Against the Terrorist Government
Marudo's hedonistic life promotes a very great unsatisfying social unrest, against his way of life in a breaking country. Venezuela's economy is broken and the rural production is not covering the whole country population, for the sake of the needs of the government that requests most part of the production also the legal pillage of the part of the production by the government militias.
Unsatisfaction of the population about the Maduro's the civil unrest constantly acting and the always terrorism promoted by state the new strategy of Maduro to regain a little of popularity is to promote an attack against himself.
Unsatisfaction of the population about the Maduro's the civil unrest constantly acting and the always terrorism promoted by state the new strategy of Maduro to regain a little of popularity is to promote an attack against himself.
The episode was known as Caracas Drone Attack, and happened in August, 4th, 2018, being considered a failed attack against the Venezuelan Presidente, Maduro.
The promotion of a new order and new regime is the operation to take down by the population the hybrid regime that promoted colapse in the country. The hybrid regime of the populism promotes a superior government and the total control of the whole media. The populist program and the promotion of social assistance to the people, but the lack of the basic needs, as healthy programs and the security, that is promoted by the local militias, and the oposition legaly existing and legitimate accepted, but persecuted and all the time condemned by the political frauds.
Well, I am not saying it was, but in a country that technology is completely limited to the population and the anti-Government parties, groups are suffocated and in most of the times murdered by the militias, the capability of any group has a Drone to attack the president, breaking whole security is very remote.
And the drone attack is a symbol of a part of Venezuelan pinnacle or a specific group has access to a technology, very limitated in the country.
This dome is supported by a people with the interest on change the order, to a more oppresive or maybe a democratic.
Supposing the drone belongs to a group of mercenaries paid by USA, that requests the death of the Venezuelan leader to promote a new election and put the liberal-democrates in power, the new order will become a democratic country, with the social attendance explored and the employement with job generation.
If it belongs to a group of oposition, the possibility is to promote another government, maybe in socialistic way, but with social democrate bias. But if it's a government promotion of terrorism attack as propaganda, the strategy is to intensify the oppression.
The military use of the drone is a symbol of a well trained in new warfare scenario and the use of a coordinated technology to operational people and infiltration, the highlights of C2 and C3ISTAR is a tactical use of the group, amatheur or not, with trained people.
Now the persecution of a group as becoming a name or a martyr will answer us.
The player is a part of a hybrid scenario of USA and the proxy in the South America in the position of the Sino-Russian aliance in Argentina, and Venezuela keeps buying weapons from Russia and contracting mercenaries from Islamic Terrorist groups, the government implementation of psyops and fake news is constant and the threat of a possible invasion of USA in Venezuela promotes a constant fear in population.
The government imediate program is to reinforce the public security as excuse to promote more fear in population and re-estructure the government in social programs and university programs, promoting a new step to indocrination of population and keep the constant psyops plan and the state terrorism, keeping the present order.
Let's suppose that the attack was promoted by a group of opposition. The government will avenge the attack against the population, promoting the suffocation of each group and promoting an increase in the para-political programs like torture, kidnaps, assassination and infiltration in these groups, to promote the disrupt of them.
But if the terrorist attack against the terrorist is done by himself and the government propaganda, the government itself will use the excuse to execute and stablish a deep state into a new step to the socialism and a more harsh government dictatorship.
Venezuela government became a pariah to the international relations, becoming a state into a collapsed economy and social, the migration crisis keeps enduring to the borders and the relations to other countries are becoming more difficult. Years ago when the socialists were in government in Brazil, with Chavez in Venezuela, almost the country became a member of Mercosul, but the ideological partnership wasn't close to the economic bloc, that needed a country ready to upgreade the finances in the bloc, and the changing in the paradigma of the commerce, made the countries regret, but keep a relation with the country till the social democracy raise in Brazil again.
Now the Argentina is the site for the Chinese obersatory and the Russian program of training paramilitaries, the imminence of the conflict in Venezuela is a promotion of Hegemony in the South America, but with proxies, and Marudo anticipate this program, with the re-inforcement of the socialistic ideas, victmizing himself in an attack, with the later ideological dramatic speech of that "he saw the death at its face".
The Military corps has a divison on the servitude to the government, with a part of the military corps supporting the opposition to a democratic country and with social stablishment, not the government dictating the rules and changing the games all the time, specially when Maduro was filmed in Turkey eating the most expensive barbecue in the world, that made the Maduro change his position, to the victim from the dictator, because the popularity of him became almost none.

Venezuelan president vows to punish 'terrorists' behind alleged drone attack
Nicolás Maduro made remarks amid reports that his agents had seized an opposition leader from his home
Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro has vowed to strike back at the “hired guns and terrorists” he claims were behind a bungled attempt to assassinate him, as authorities ordered the arrest of one prominent opposition lawmaker and seized another from his home.
During a two-hour televised address from the Miraflores presidential palace, Maduro described how he had dodged death when rightwing conspirators sent two “murderous”, explosive-laden drones to kill him during a military parade in Caracas on Saturday afternoon.
“It was a truly miraculous day. We were saved by a miracle,” said Maduro, who was surrounded by his country’s military and political elite and a number of bandaged officials who he said had been injured in the attack.
“I looked Death in the face! I saw Death right before me and I said: ‘It’s not my time! Get out of here, Death! ... And that’s what gave me the strength and the courage to carry on staring Death in the face,” continued Maduro late on Tuesday.
Maduro said the “terrorist attack” was a turning point in a long-running conspiracy to overthrow the “Bolivarian revolution” whose leadership he inherited after Chávez’s death in 2013. “The central objective wasn’t just to kill a president but to kill a country, to kill hope, to kill the light of peace.”
Venezuela’s president, who was re-elected in May despite widespread domestic and international condemnation, vowed that those behind the botched attack would receive the “hardest and heaviest punishments” possible under his country’s law. Police and security services were already rounding up those culprits who had not already been caught: “We must … ensure that such a terrorist attack never repeats itself.”
As Maduro spoke, agents from his feared Bolivarian National Intelligence Service, Sebin, were reportedly closing in on some of those identified by Maduro as plotters, seizing Juan Requesens, a 29-year-old opposition lawmaker, from his apartment in Caracas. Footage purportedly showing the moment of his detention was posted on Twitter by Requesens’ party, First Justice.
In a second video, the politician’s father tells reporters: “We do not know where he is and we have the constitutional right to know his whereabouts.”
On Wednesday afternoon, Venezuela’s supreme court announced it had ordered the arrest of Julio Borges, another lawmaker from the same party, on charges of “continuous public instigation”, treason and Maduro’s attempted murder.
Borges rejected those claims in a video posted on his official Twitter account. “No-one in Venezuela wants violence. The only person who promotes violence is called Nicolás Maduro.”
Members of Venezuela’s constituent assembly were on Wednesday expected to agree to scrap immunity for opposition lawmakers found to have been involved in the apparent assassination attempt.
Speaking to Reuters, one opposition figure admitted involvement in the alleged plot and cast it as part of an organised armed “resistance” movement designed to unseat a president who has led Venezuela into an economic crisis so severe hundreds of thousands of citizens are fleeing abroad.
“We had an objective and in the moment we were not able to materialize it 100% [but] ... the armed struggle will continue,” said Salvatore Lucchese, a former municipal police chief, during an interview in Colombia’s capital, Bogotá.
Experts have warned that Maduro is likely to use Saturday’s attack as a pretext to crack down on his many political foes and predict a period of increased repression in the crisis-stricken South American nation.
On Tuesday night, Diosdado Cabello, one of the most powerful figures in Maduro’s government, reinforced those fears, vowing to relentlessly pursue those behind the botched “magnicide”.
“Justice is coming, and with a vengeance,” he tweeted.
Venezuelan President survives apparent drone assassination attempt
By Marilia Brocchetto, Claudia Dominguez, Joe Sterling and Stefano Pozzebon, CNN
Updated 1105 GMT (1905 HKT) August 5, 2018
(CNN)Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro survived an apparent assassination attempt Saturday after several drones armed with explosives flew toward him during a speech at a military parade.
Live footage of the event showed him suddenly looking up startled mid-speech, while beside him his wife, Cilia Flores, winces after a loud bang.
Dozens of soldiers are also seen scattering during the event to commemorate the 81st anniversary of the Venezuelan national guard in the capital of Caracas.
Seven members of the national guard were hurt during the attack, which the president blamed on far-right elements and Colombia's outgoing president, Juan Manuel Santos.
A Colombian presidential source told CNN that Maduro's accusations were "baseless."
"I'm alive and victorious," Maduro said in a national television address hours after what he described as an assassination attempt.
The president added that there were two explosions, seconds apart, and that he initially thought they were fireworks as part of the military parade.
Venezuela's Minister of Communication, Jorge Rodriguez, said preliminary information showed the explosions came from several "drone-type flying devices" containing explosive charges that detonated in the vicinity of the presidential stage and in some areas of the parade.
A photo posted on Twitter by Freddy Nanez, head of the Venezuelan state run news channel VTV, shows bodyguards shielding Maduro following the explosions.
Investigation underway
Venezuela's attorney general, Tarek William Saab, told CNN he had ordered an investigation into the incident, assigning three prosecutors to the investigation.
Saab was close to the president during the event, and says the drone responsible for filming the event exploded. He added that a second explosion followed.
During his speech to the nation following the incident, Maduro said the investigation started immediately and that some of those involved in the attack had already been captured and charged, although he did not specify the charges against them.
Speaking in front of members of the military and other government officials, Maduro also said that authorities were able to obtain evidence of the attack and said the investigation was in an advanced stage.
He blamed the Venezuelan political far right in collaboration with the Colombian far right, and the current Colombian President Santos of being behind the assassination attack.
He also blamed Venezuelans living in the US.
"The preliminary investigation indicates that many of those responsible for the attack, the financiers and planners, live in the United States in the state of Florida," Maduro said.
"I hope the Trump administration is willing to fight terrorist groups that commit attacks in peaceful countries in our continent, in this case Venezuela."
The Venezuelan government has long blamed Colombia for plotting overthrows and, and far-right elements in Bogota and Miami for attempting to undercut Maduro. Ivan Duque takes over as the Colombian President next week.
A Colombian presidential source told CNN that Maduro's accusations were "baseless," adding Santos was "dedicated to his granddaughter's Celeste baptism, and not taking down foreign governments."
A senior US State Department official traveling with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Indonesia said the US "had heard the reports," and was following closely.
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