Be stronger than opposition
Opposition works harder to maintain the image of victmization, forming opition against the tradition and the highest law, criminalizing the strenght and the honor, the nationalism and the belonging, the idea of identity against the idea of minority and/or vulgar majority, the thinking of sheeps and not wolves, believing in politicians, religious leaders and legislators.
Opposition tries to put you down by criminalizing our ideas, put the idea of your identity is wrong and mistaken, ideas that tries to weaken ourselves, promoting the masculinity as a mistake, or feminility a submission.
Recently the idea of study is being uncredited by tweeting stuffs, posting pretty pictures on social networking, education by memes, and a governmental brainwash promoted by private sector's intelligence in map the society creating new behavioral moods, taking the idea of strenght, that is oppisite to the need of the leaders - being political or spiritual - that want a closed minded youth, uncapable to discuss or argue. Also, the jew-christian idea of 'turning the other cheek', after receive an attack.
People have pet politicians that what they say are rules, forever, the messiah image in politics, while the real elder God always created a skeptical form, the natural force that commanded each step of humanity and nature, fowarded to the complexity of soceity.
Education is a form of politics rule, demanding that since young, people must follow an ideology of community. Right or left, the constructivist scholars, and other educational methoods create a form of unity. It states over all institutions in society: religion, family, property, legal system.
Property is not a fact, Stirner adviced and nowadays we see that. Property belongs to state and public agents, rightly given to the citizen. When needed, property is divided or taken. There is no law above the highest law of state. Remember Killdozer. The fact happened after the State didn't respect a private need.
Opposition want to prove that society is a complex place, but easy to be controled by forming an unity, of minorities united to a cause. Spooky.
Society is complex, not a mass of maneuver for politics, a lever to promote the weaken ones armed against the tradition and the wolves in society. Rules are imposed to limit our unlimited minds. Rules are there to limit the ones capable to argue, to rule. Intelligent people are demanded to be limited, the dumb ones, starve, stupid and idiots are being the lever for the politicians.
When assaulted, the one who resist and react are condemned by legal proccesses that promoted the protection to the wicked. This is a christian moral that legal system promoted in society, a western society.

Amorality is a form not to be against the society, but to be free of thoughts, think for ourselves, work on our bodies and our breed, search for our ideology, read our books, find our philosophy, find our inner selves. Knowledge is a power that we can explore and we are naturally free to explore.
Honestly, when oposition speaks, be certain to offend them in words, use the rethoric and when they say those bulshits, that don't add nothing to us, use it against them, it's their weakeness, for them only, their god is for them only, their wicked is for them...
Human must be strong, strong physically. Capable to action. Strong in mind. Strong in each step, each objective damanded. Train, train your mind and body, get strong. Get off of excess and vices. Get control over your needs. Don't fall with your demands, full of shits, and get rid of depression. Try not to fall in depressive operation of governments and media. Media spread depression as a simple sadness, to support the pharmacy industry in society and promote other vices.
When someone attracks you, return twice. Return stronger. Live out of excesses, be free to search your own. At the end of times, you must survive by your breed and protect your beloved. Teach your beloved. Have your healthy good, keep your mind strong and with a vast knowledge, to make your mind rich and your body to survive the daily imposition by this brainwashing government.

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