Coronavirus is being used as excuse for a global currency
The world's economy is in bankrupt already. It was falling from last years with the alt-right at command of USA and being ellected in Brazil. The New Right, and the 'old school' right lost a gap of space-time in International Relations.
The Eastern Right, the New Right and traditionalist, according to the Alain de Benoist and Julius Evola, was focused on a nationalist christian model of alt-right, and the world's economy failed after the decade of socialist globalist governments. The model of Neocon in USA finished to the faillure of the Western economy.
Now, the propaganda is to blame China and the virus' crisis of Covid-19 to justify the economy bankrupt. The governments raised a banner of the congresses and leftists parties are promoting isolation and using law to justify the close market, but the reality is that they needed a scapegoat to blame the bankrupt.
Covid is a problem, but the economic system was already failing since the last decade, together the capitalist system, when the gobalists and leftists promoted the uncapability of raising finances for the world's bankers and NGOs, of Soros and Rothschilds, together other great bankers and multinational corporations as Bayern and Monsanto.
For those who can program this, Nikolai Kondratieff could prevent this episode of economic bankrupt in global scale, but the nations were focusing on a promotion of restore, the idea is to promote a viral chaos and justify - or better, force a collapse situation.
For those who can program this, Nikolai Kondratieff could prevent this episode of economic bankrupt in global scale, but the nations were focusing on a promotion of restore, the idea is to promote a viral chaos and justify - or better, force a collapse situation.
Now they are promoting the democrates to return to power, after the faillure of the alt-right model of government and implementation of fake news and a deep state action, also in East the model of New Right could promote a national economy established by traditional government and system, without influence of international bankers.
These agents of global economy are trying to make one world government, or at least one world currency, promoted by a global supra-national organism that can control whole monetary transactions, whole monetary distribution and whole world's money.
The promotion of this agent is being used as the solution for the global crisis they are trying to make national societies believe that is being promoted by Coronavirus.

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