Lovecraftean Chaos - The eternal motion an uncomprehensive terror
The Lovecraftean model of fear implementation for media, caused a paranoia state of constant fear and disrupture of reason. For this unrreal, or un-form enemy, raised by a viral chaos is a primordial fear, implemented by constant repetition of facts, intuition being bigger than the capacity of analyse the facts and numbers.
The fear of the unknown is the biggest fear and make humans evoke in empyrical form of creeds and faiths, idols to protect them. This side-by-side run of Facts and Feelings are how the humans are growing with the pandemic situation of world. Even in other cases, like war on terror, the net terrorism, lone wolf imprecations, sleeping terrorist cells and etc.
Following the idea of the anarchist Hakim Bey, the primordial idea of chaos is how to construct a form of action, a moral to act beyond the facts.
According to him:
Chaos never died. Primordial uncarved block, sole worshipful monster, inert & spontaneous, more ultraviolet than any mythology (like the shadows before Babylon), the original undifferentiated oneness-of-being still radiates serene as the black pennants of Assassins, random & perpetually intoxicated.
Even when the order was implemented, the capability of media to order a nation under a truth, the chaos was beyond the comprehention of society. Chaos is molded by a metaphysical Egregor, also, order is molded by an Egregor, a kind of utopic feeling that promotes idea of salvation. But everywhere there is a chaotic motion.
Chaos comes before all principles of order & entropy, it's neither a god nor a maggot, its idiotic desires encompass & define every possible choreography, all meaningless aethers & phlogistons: its masks are crystallizations of its own facelessness, like clouds.

For Lovecraft, the corruption of moral and reason comes while the humans cannot find themselves capable to understand, it becomes a form of eternal mutation of creature, uncapable even to speak its name, a biochaotic form of consumption of reason, viral, invisible, but real.
Agents of chaos cast burning glances at anything or anyone capable of bearing witness to their condition, their fever of lux et voluptas. I am awake only in what I love & desire to the point of terror — everything else is just shrouded furniture, quotidian anaesthesia, shit-for-brains, sub-reptilian ennui of totalitarian regimes, banal censorship & useless pain.
The idea of an eternal chaos is affirmed when we check the evolution proccess of human and of the invisible enemies of men. The biological menaces, bacterias and virus being mutagenic and mutating the genetics faster, being stronger than the anti-biotics, promote a wrong course of huamns in relation to the natural proccess of evolution.
To Carl Gustav Jung, the chaotic idea is well explained at the Seven Sermons to the Dead, when he explains about the Darkness eternal, that hide the whole chaos inside, the idea of the invisible and unknown scares the morality of humans, scholarized by the western philosophy. But the Sun comes during a part of the eternal chaos to clear the ideas of men. As the Cave of Plato.
To Carl Gustav Jung, the chaotic idea is well explained at the Seven Sermons to the Dead, when he explains about the Darkness eternal, that hide the whole chaos inside, the idea of the invisible and unknown scares the morality of humans, scholarized by the western philosophy. But the Sun comes during a part of the eternal chaos to clear the ideas of men. As the Cave of Plato.
CREATURA is not in the pleroma, but in itself. The pleroma is both beginning and end of created beings. It pervadeth them, as the light of the sun everywhere pervadeth the air. Although the pleroma pervadeth altogether, yet hath created being no share thereof, just as a wholly transparent body becometh neither light nor dark through the light which pervadeth it. We are, however, the pleroma itself, for we are a part of the eternal and infinite. But we have no share thereof, as we are from the pleroma infinitely removed; not spiritually or temporally, but essentially, since we are distinguished from the pleroma in our essence as creatura, which is confined within time and space.
According to Hakim Bey, the chaos is eternal, a species of terror, and the one who can understand the terror itself, not facing it, but at least understand that it's a part of the whole universe in course, can obviously accept the course of history.
Avatars of chaos act as spies, saboteurs, criminals of amour fou, neither selfless nor selfish, accessible as children, mannered as barbarians, chafed with obsessions, unemployed, sensually deranged, wolfangels, mirrors for contemplation, eyes like flowers, pirates of all signs & meanings.
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