How Rothbard can support the re-contruction of chaos
When I was asked about Covid-19 and the after chaos, I answered that the crisis will sure come, and the crisis will be completely devastator but if the market can work for itself, the self regulation of the market will be self sustained.
Let's start each part, the state is using literaly the biochaotic situation to promote itself as the savior, only capable to limitate private actions and limit the contamination numbers, and the self proclamation of highest authority, the states are using the police power and the auto-regulamentation to use economies to steal the money from the banks to the politicians.
The acquiring without biding is common, and the contract of the outsourcing companies, subsidiary to the congressmen to promote the control of population. In general during warfare/pandemic states there is overtax of bills, outsourcing of public services to private companies without the legal contract, the creation of new taxes, financial support to great companies, and the high number of unemployment.
Trump administration and others, like Bolsonaro, are close to the Austrian School of Economy, that promotes neoliberalism and the capability of outsource the most part of the state, promoting the charge of taxes to support market and industry. But the market can re-invent itself with the chaos. That's the chaordic path. Chaos is the door to the new success and the Darwinism can show how the survival of the fittest can be a part in economic sector too.
There are means to the objectives of the company. During the chaos, the market can re-structure itself to new pillars, using applications, changing the way of attending people, promoting new sanitarian politics, using new methods of delivery instead of receive people, home office, home classroom. Service sector is growing more with the chaos scenario and the market is using the new service sectors to promote the re-adjustment of itself.
To understand more it, the extremist to be a neoliberal, Murray Rothbard can explain more than Austrian School, that considered him to extreme to be considered neoliberal. The anarchism at capitlaism can explore more the highest scenario and can adapt itself. Market and private sector can re-invent itself and can take control of the chaotic situation and bankrupt. But the limitation of the market and private sector can be the State that will use this situation to overtax the new-service sectors to promote gains and support government itself, and use it to promote politicians personaly, attaking opposition.
Anarcho-capitalism is supposed to have no rule of law against the market, while the market can adjust itself, with self regulation of each particular, with common salaries, common services, cover the gaps of society with the money running free from the public agent in limitation of private demand/offer of service.
The private was supposed to have the right to chose how to work and it should be considered a crime to pay to work, with these taxes, the control of the private life and limitation of freedom of work, making the bureaucratic agents always at the top, and promoting a society under the control and slaves of the debts.
The anarchic state is supposed to have hierarchicaly and subdivision, but can rule itself, not with leaders to decide who and how to work, charging money to give freedom, as man is a natural being that is naturaly free. For Rothbard, taxation is a crime of State, and the coercitive power of State is doing to limitate the citizen. Regarding Stirner, the coercitive power is to promote the limite and criminalize the citizen to his possible violence, where State dictates what is violent, like 'not paying tax is a crime'.

The world is internationaly anarchic, where unity is decided and can act for itself's demands, in few states there can be a free market, free from taxes and with a complete incentive to the market and businessmen, where everyone can be a owner of a business and state can support everyone at it, with freedom of offer and demand, freedom of taxes and a public sector to guarantee the freedom of the private sector.
The problem in the neoliberal capitalism is that to work, the small businessman pays the taxes that he cannot support, to he is limitated beyond the great companies. The regulation of State can be good to support that everyone can have the oportunity in market. But when there is oligopoly of companies, they use dumping to promote the limitation of small competitive, they win in quantity that the smallest cannot compete. Also the monopoly of some sectors can be a money loundry by public sector as they need it to support the whose society, and the government support them.
The market can re-structure by itself, but the support of the government should be real, and not just a propaganda for re-charge in future over taxed with financial interest.
The self regulation of society can be completely attached by the auto-proclamation of the citizen, able to do what he want, respecting the natural limitation of living, like using guns, self defense, self-regulation and capability of judge without the legal system to promote defense of a wicked, how promote limitation of a legal citizen. The anarchic State in Rothbard is a State that have no coercitive violence, where the citizen can act by itself and the society can regulate the limitations of each civilian can do, should act and the limitations he is imposed to their natural actions - like if he commit a crime, the whole society is able to control it by the tradition and not by a legal system that will defend it.
The problem in the neoliberal capitalism is that to work, the small businessman pays the taxes that he cannot support, to he is limitated beyond the great companies. The regulation of State can be good to support that everyone can have the oportunity in market. But when there is oligopoly of companies, they use dumping to promote the limitation of small competitive, they win in quantity that the smallest cannot compete. Also the monopoly of some sectors can be a money loundry by public sector as they need it to support the whose society, and the government support them.
The market can re-structure by itself, but the support of the government should be real, and not just a propaganda for re-charge in future over taxed with financial interest.
The self regulation of society can be completely attached by the auto-proclamation of the citizen, able to do what he want, respecting the natural limitation of living, like using guns, self defense, self-regulation and capability of judge without the legal system to promote defense of a wicked, how promote limitation of a legal citizen. The anarchic State in Rothbard is a State that have no coercitive violence, where the citizen can act by itself and the society can regulate the limitations of each civilian can do, should act and the limitations he is imposed to their natural actions - like if he commit a crime, the whole society is able to control it by the tradition and not by a legal system that will defend it.
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