The charlatanism of christian government in Brazil
The charlatanism of christian governments extrapolated the bounds of ignorance and became a danger to the nations. In Brazil, the president gone against the science advices, talking about a possible histeria, and together the evangelist church, the shepherds of the gospel promoted a 12 hour fasting to pray to god have mercy on Brazilians, instead of listen to the scientific studies about isolation and promotion of social healthy.
The use of faith instead of reason is a promotion of economic means. We all know that economy is a problem after the Covid-19 crisis and this biochaotic will turn as soon to a social chaos, even promotion of civil unrest and pillage, rising of criminal activities and etc, but to use faith to convince people on it, instead of political means and scientific acceptance was a paroxysm against the capability of scholars and analysts.
The fake fastting was promoted from midnight to noon of sunday, very favorable to a nation that will sleep almost midnight and will sleep in sunday till almost noon, for have nothing to do, except watch news and think how to promote political propaganda in social networking.
Extrapolation of idiocy is being surpassed day by day by the president and their advisers, that promote a christocracy government, with religious segregation in order to one determined government, not prudent for a country with vast religious culture, from pagan to atheists, the religion that spends more finances to promote the legal proccesses in government and make a congress to christian, is the protestant church, that raises millions monthly and is losing it's financial return with this isolation period.
Science is there to promote a reasonable meaning of living, from pagan to atheist, there is science, and evolutional proccess is a step at this moment, politics should adopt the darwinist proccess of evolution and capability of survive at this moment, with a government capable to protect the nation, not segregate more and more.
President Bolsonaro is watching his popularity falling daily and the despair of a possible denounce at the international organisms or even impeachment, is becoming clear, as he is trying to undermine the healthy minister trying to take off his popularity, instead of control the situation with the best manners.

Coronavirus: Bolsonaro calls for day of fasting and prayer to ‘free Brazil from evil’ epidemic
Like Donald Trump, right-wing populist under fire for handling of crisis after dismissing outbreak as 'a little flu' and snubbing social distancing appeals
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has said he will declare this Sunday to be a day of prayer and fasting in response to the coronavirus outbreak, encouraging citizens to call on God to “free Brazil from this evil”.
The right-wing populist, known as “the Trump of the tropics”, met with Pentecostal evangelical pastors on Friday at his official residence in Brasilia, where the proposal was made and acquiesced to.
“With the pastors and religious leaders we will call for a day of fasting by Brazilians so that Brazil can free itself from this evil as soon as possible,” he subsequently told the Jovem Pan radio station.
Like his American counterpart, with whom he was also in touch this week, Mr Bolsonaro has been under fire for downplaying the crisis – he branded it “a little flu”, despite reluctantly declaring a national emergency on 3 February – and pushing back against official advice on social distancing.
Also like Donald Trump, Mr Bolsonaro appears to have prioritised averting economic collapse over public health, having promised to deliver growth and prosperity and lift millions from poverty in urban favelas when he rose to power in 2018.
Brazil's Bolsonaro Turns to Prayer in Coronavirus Crisis
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, agreeing to a request from evangelical Christians, said on Friday that he was calling for a national day of fasting and prayer this Sunday to "free Brazil from this evil" coronavirus epidemic.
As the death toll mounts in the country, along with criticism of his handling of the public health crisis, Bolsonaro met with Pentecostal evangelical pastors outside his official residence. Evangelicals have been among the right-wing leader's most faithful supporters.
"With the pastors and religious leaders we will call for a day of fasting by Brazilians so that Brazil can free itself from this evil as soon as possible," he later said on radio station Jovem Pan.
On Friday, the country's coronavirus deaths increased to 359 from 299, while confirmed cases jumped to 9,056.
Brazilians overwhelmingly disapprove of Bolsonaro for minimizing the epidemic and support governors and health officials that he has attacked for advocating social-distancing measures, two polls showed on Friday.
Bolsonaro has become increasingly isolated politically as he continues to rail against state and municipal shutdowns, calling them economically disastrous responses to an over-hyped risk.
The idea of fasting and prayer gained momentum on Friday among Bolsonaro supporters and evangelical preachers on social media.
"Brazil is in a serious crisis. The forces of evil are rising against a God-fearing Christian president and family defender. Sunday will be a day of fasting," Congressman Marco Feliciano, an evangelical pastor, said in a Twitter post.
Pastor Silas Malafaia, a leader of Brazil's largest Pentecostal church, the Assembly of God, proposed on social media that the fast begin at midnight on Saturday and last until midday Sunday.
Bolsonaro's approval rating has fallen to its lowest level since he took office last year. He was elected in a conservative swing by Brazilian voters, with massive evangelical support for his family values platform opposing abortion and gay marriage.
A former army captain turned politician, Bolsonaro was raised a Roman Catholic and was re-baptized by an evangelical pastor in the River Jordan in 2016 in Israel, as he began to plan a run for president.
(Reporting by Lisandra Paraguassu; writing by Anthony Boadle; Editing by Rosalba O'Brien)
Copyright 2020 Thomson Reuters.
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