Reality about democracy
Is that democracy is done to benefit a bureucratic elite, economists, bankers, financers of the candidates, not the people. Democracy just guarantees three objectives those are: The majority of the votes wins, right to be in a public chair - like join the army for exemple - and vote or be voted.
The deliberation is a normative point sublimes to a conseption of democratic legitimacy. This conception forms a conception of a matrix to define the nature of the proccess, like publicity, racionality and equality, but this character self explainable empiricus and the emphatical is based in the critical-normative point. By this point the reality of the democracy indicates "who" is able to be a part on the democratic proccess, "how" to do a part on it, but it doesn't say "What" the democracy guarantees as a right of the citizen, like freedom of speech, right on have guns, rights on self-advocate, or even compete as a citizen in a public charge.

According to the voting proccess, the act of vote shouldn't be the only instrument of the people to express the demands of society, as it's done in ellection. The processes involves for exemple, direct actions, unrest, plebicites, referendum, undersigns, and other points that the politics should use more to have the people more active into the political decisions. Democracy should be the social empirical living will that emates to the people, that is just working in theory, not in practice.
There are means that democratic government uses now to listen to the people, like internet hashtags popularity and government poplarity in social networking, but this indirect participation of the people give a fake sensation of participation. The main idea behind the curtain of the politics is a psyops governmental and NGO's contracted to measure of govenrments acceptance in every part of the society, polarizing more and more the people, creating a form of government for the equals, and the unequals under a criminalized proccess or a segregational proccess of social disruption.
Democracy works for the money elite, the ones who are able to buy the legislators, to write laws to themselves. The legal proccess are done to subjulgate the 'slaves of the debts', those to pays for the philantropists or bankers, the rulers of the society's morals. Families that prays for feminism but practices incest in home, families who work for drug legalization but teaches their sons under the old laws of money and their own values. Those who plant drugs do not use their products.
The democratic proccess is not going to unify the society as an unity of nation, but to divide society in minorities, with them taking their parts on their onw needs, creating ideas of idolatry of politics as saviors and new supposed messsiah, that are a part of the system, left or right, going with this shadow government that raises the political line through a one way.
The way of the alt-right and the central-left wings are the same way that are involved with bankers and big corpration that spend money to political propaganda, seeking their demands, there is no difference between money loundry to the left or right, because the legal proccess are into, maintain the population under the system and promote the bureaucratic system operational.

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